Our Platform is a Little Bit Different. We are Investors and Company-Builders. Every Decision Starts and Ends with Our Core Values.

Highlands, North Carolina

The Castle Peak Way:

One Scoreboard: Investment Returns. And One Asset: Trust.

We are simply focused on doing what we said we were going to do. And being honest and straightforward in the twists and turns along the way.

Creating Value vs. Extracting Value.

The firms we admire and study create value in everything they do, bringing things into the world people want and need, rather than finding ways to extract value from the system.

Recruit and Invest In Top 5% Talent.

Great businesses simply give great people a chance. Never compromise on quality of people. Ever.

Discipline, Discipline, Discipline.

Emotion is the enemy of winning investment decisions. Patience when things don’t make sense, aggressiveness when things do make sense, and self-awareness of what we know and don’t know are critical to our investment process.

Always Think 10 Years Down the Road.

Our dedication to long-term decision frameworks pervades every corner of our business. We lead with a focus on outcomes ten years from now, not ten weeks or ten months.

Blitz When Everyone Else Breaks.

We are relentless. This requires a team who shares a scrappy entrepreneurial spirit, a hunger to win and a clear vision of success.

Focus on What Really Matters and Dig Deeper.

Natural forces will not lead you here. This requires pattern recognition, commercial instincts and intellectual rigor.

Be Humble. Be Curious. Be a Truth-Seeker.

We’ll never hide from a mistake, hide from what we don’t know, or hide from fundamental change. We are voracious truth-seekers in everything we evaluate: new assets, new hires, and ourselves. We embrace breaking, fixing, learning and constantly improving.

Help Others And Ask for Nothing in Return.

Our mentors taught us this simple, elegant formula that works in the ways you least expect.